Virtual ColecoVision is a free ColecoVision emulator for Microsoft Windows. It allows you to play the actual ColecoVision games on your PC.
ColecoVision was, in the early 1980’s, one of the best game console systems available. I traded in my Atari 2600 and all its games for one in the early 80’s and loved it. It provided rich graphics and had the best accuracy in games translated from the stand-up arcade machines.
Instructions: Both downloads are required to play the games. An Unzip Utility is needed to extract the Emulator and the Games. The games are ROM files of the actually ColecoVision cartridges. From the emulator, choose Open Cartridge Game from the File Menu to play a game. Use the arrow keys to move and the space bar as the game pad button. Enjoy!
Download Virtual ColecoVision for Windows (160k)
Download Games for Virtual ColecoVision (278k)
Included in Games download are: Tapper, Football, Jungle Hunt, Baseball, Galaxian, Zaxxon, Star Trek, Super Donkey Kong Jr, Popeye, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr, Time Pilot, Frogger, Fury, Burger Time, Cosmo Fighter, Centipede, Qbert.
ColecoVision Emulator for Windows compliments of Neal Danner.ColecoVision ™ is a trademark of Coleco.