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Growing Up in the 80s
Use one of the 5 new 80s forums below to reminisce or feel free to ask any question that relates to the 80s.
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Growing Up in the 80s welcomes its newest member israfaceMiha
Growing Up in the 80s has 117965 members with 1330 posts in 636 topics

  Forum Info Replies Topics Last Post
» Announcements
New Classic Arcade Web Sites [ Read ] Dec. 11, 2011
» 80s Forums
  80s TV
Have a question about 80s TV or Commercials, or just like to reminisce about 80s television.

(Moderated by: 80s Guru)
692 806 Date: April 26, 2015
Time: 2:20am

by: Dude111
  80s Movies
Have a question about an 80s Movie or Actor, or just like to reminisce about 80s Movies.

(Moderated by: 80s Guru)
323 420 Date: Jan. 7, 2017
Time: 7:33am

by: Neil Stone
  80 Music and Bands
Have a question about 80s Music or Bands, or just like to reminisce about 80s Music.

(Moderated by: 80s Guru)
111 482 Date: Nov. 6, 2016
Time: 5:27pm

by: Dude111
  80s Arcade Games
Have a question about an 80s Arcade Game

(Moderated by: 80s Guru)
251 525 Date: April 26, 2015
Time: 2:24am

by: Dude111
  80s Memories, News, Clothing and Fads
Just want to talk about the 80s

(Moderated by: 80s Guru)
140 219 Date: Feb. 10, 2017
Time: 1:51am

by: danielgarrison
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